Find the best Top 20 business ideas for computer science graduates and start generating passive income.
One thing is certain, companies today want professionals that know more than just how to code. Looking for new business ideas? In this list of the hottest jobs of 2022, you will see where computer science meets business. Top 20 Business Ideas for Computer Science Graduates
In this article, we cover 20 different job descriptions from all sorts of industries and explain how a graduate with a computer science degree can fit in. We also provide some resources, like books and articles, to learn more about these jobs. You will see that there are plenty of opportunities for computer scientists who want to work in the business world.
Top 20 Business Ideas for Computer Science Graduates
#1 Product Manager
What they do: Product managers research market conditions and then tell everyone else what they should be working on.
How computer science graduates fit in: Product managers must have strong business skills, so a degree in Computer Science or another similar field will give you the technical abilities to understand the technology and the business knowledge to consider all relevant factors for making an informed decision.
#2 UI Developer / Designer
What they do: User interface developers are responsible for creating interfaces that allow users to interact with applications or websites. They create mockups that show how a website should look and then translate those designs into HTML/CSS code that can be used by a web developer.
UX designers work similarly but specifically design how interactions with a site will feel from a user perspective. If you’ve got a great design sense and know how to write HTML, CSS, and Javascript you can quickly become invaluable in the field.
How computer science graduates fit in: You don’t need a CS degree to be a UI developer or designer but it will help you understand what you’re doing, especially if your main focus is design. The more familiar an engineer becomes with design processes and concepts, the better their products will be for it.
Understanding the basics of color theory, visual perception and typography won’t make you an expert but they will help immensely as you work on your product designs. Additionally, becoming proficient at Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator will make your life easier when creating mockups for each new page layout. Javascript Libraries like jQuery can also help speed up your development time and ensure that whatever you design works in all browsers.
#3 Data Analyst / Scientist
What they do: This is one of the most in-demand jobs today, no matter what industry you’re talking about. Large amounts of data are being created at a rate we’ve never seen before and it’s becoming more and more important to make sense out of all this information. Data analysts help turn raw datasets into meaningful information that can be used for making business decisions.
They could work at Google crunching terabytes of data to learn how people use their search engine or at an insurance company determining which customers are likely to cancel their policy next month. The possibilities are endless!
How computer science graduates fit in: Data analysts need strong databases and data mining skills as well as the ability to analyze that information and present numerical results. The most important thing you can bring to this job is business knowledge. You’ll be looking at numbers all day, so knowing how your company makes money and what metrics matter the most will help you focus on which numbers really mean something and which ones can safely be ignored.
It’s also helpful if you know a scripting language like Python or Ruby; large datasets might not fit in memory so processing them could take hours or days which is where these languages come in handy.
#4 Business Intelligence Developer / Analyst
What they do: Are you interested more in computer science than business? This may be the field for you because it’s a bit of both. BI developers and analysts work with data to create reports on how things are going for the company. They often look at sales data, customer support calls, or basically anything else that can be analyzed and compared to previous years or competitors.
How computer science graduates fit in: Understanding business is incredibly helpful for this position but so is understanding programming languages like SQL and Python, which you’ll need to run analytics queries against databases.
If you know some coding it will free up time by automating common tasks, plus most systems today rely heavily on data analysis scripts written in one way or another, so having a working knowledge of what they do is still very important. It would also help if you have an interest in statistics since you’ll be dealing with a lot of numerical data when looking at sales, traffic patterns, and other quantitative aspects.
#5 Systems Administrator / Network Engineer
What they do: Network engineers set up and maintain all the computers that connect to a network in order to run a company’s business operations. This includes setting up servers, firewalls, routers, upgrading software, and making sure nothing gets hacked.
Everything you use on your computer including applications like email has been made possible by systems administrators who set everything up from the outside in order to let people inside communicate with one another effectively.
In short: networks don’t work without this guy! These are not only great-paying jobs but also incredibly important for any type of a scaleable business operation because they can make or break how well your company operates.
How computer science graduates fit in: There are a few routes you can take here and they’re all equally important. Systems administrators need to know something about everything; from the most complicated programming language like C++ to what types of software are used by lots of people, such as Photoshop and Flash (which you must know if you want to be a web developer).
In addition, knowing how networks work on the inside out would also help because it will allow you to more easily solve problems when they arise. A systems administrator needs strong problem-solving skills along with the ability to speak the “language” of all of these different technologies so he can communicate with other IT professionals efficiently.
#6 Developer / Programmer Analyst What they do:
Rather than being a business analyst who just looks at the numbers, developers and program analysts actually build the software that runs various parts of a company’s operation. That could mean creating an accounting system that’s used by all departments or building a new payment processing application that lets customers pay without ever having to speak with the company.
As an entry-level candidate, you’ll be doing more grunt work like installing and configuring things along with writing scripts and other low-level code but as you move up in an organization you’ll get more opportunities to write higher-level code and maybe even your own applications from scratch! This is one of those jobs that sounds really dry on paper but can be incredibly rewarding when you get to see what your code is doing in real life.
Powerful companies like Google and Microsoft started out as simple ideas created by developers who had a vision for how they could change the world with software.
How computer science graduates fit in: There are lots of programming languages out there but knowing one or two really well and understanding different types of data structures (i.e.: arrays, linked lists, hashtables) will make getting hired much easier since it shows that you can actually write programs! You’ll also need to know something about how networks work because any time your program needs to communicate with other applications on the network it won’t work unless the system has helped you set everything up first.
Finally, having a good knowledge of math is very helpful because most all of the big problems are solved using algorithms which are basically step-by-step instructions on how to solve a problem.
Think you have what it takes? Here’s some more information on Getting Hired as a Computer Programmer or Developer!
#7 Systems Analysts What they do:
A systems analyst gathers data for an organization by looking at its current operational procedures and finding ways to improve them with technology. If your company’s production line isn’t able to keep up with demand then this person would create reports showing exactly where things are being bottlenecked so they can be fixed.
For example, they might notice that there are only certain times of day when all the machines are in use and then they might figure out that the company needs to hire another person in order to get everything done on time.
This is one of those jobs that’s hard to describe in just a few words because it varies so much from industry to industry but there’s one big similarity: you’re helping lots of people at once by keeping things running smoothly so they don’t have to worry about getting their work done!
How computer science graduates fit in:
Even if you focus on a programming language like C++, there will be certain tools that you need to know how to use just for this type of job. For instance, terms like SQL and Oracle are used all the time when it comes to databases so knowing what they mean is important if you ever want to work with any type of data.
A system analyst also needs strong math skills because most large companies rely on complex statistical algorithms (i.e.: Google Maps uses something called “geographic information systems”) and simulating situations over and over again is often how they figure out the best possible solution.
If you think this sounds like the perfect job for you then here’s some more information on how to get started with Systems Analyst Training!
#8 Web Developers What they do:
At its simplest, a web developer designs and creates websites or applications that can be viewed by anyone using a web browser. This might sound easy but it’s actually a little trickier than just pointing your browser at a static HTML file because you also need to know how to store data about users who are visiting the site along with what types of actions people are taking once they’re there (allowing them to buy something, for example). You’ll create an entire system that allows lots of different users access to all this data so everyone can “get along” and see what needs to change in order to make everyone happy.
It’s a crucial job in today’s world since companies use it to communicate with customers, hire employees and sell products. It could also be the perfect way for you to share your story with the world without ever having to talk if that’s what you want! How computer science graduates fit in: Web development can get complicated really fast because there are so many different parts that need to work together seamlessly in order to achieve the desired effect.
This is why it helps to know lots of different programming languages because each language has its own strengths and weaknesses that might not translate well over to another environment (i.e.: C++ is sometimes used for web applications but JavaScript is much more popular).
Another important part of this job is knowing how the internet works because you will need to make sure your application can handle situations like high traffic loads (i.e.: lots of people visiting at once) or latency (i.e.: having trouble loading pages). If all this sounds like something you could do then here’s some more information on how to get started with Web Development Training!
#9 Software Developers What they do:
A software developer writes programs that allow users’ computers, phones, tablets, and anything else connected to the internet to communicate with one another in a safe but efficient manner. For example, if someone is attempting to log in using incorrect information too many times then maybe they should be locked out for a while so they don’t cause any problems before being allowed access again.
If you’ve ever found yourself explaining this type of thing to your grandmother then perhaps becoming a software developer is something you should think about because
It might sound like everyone who takes this job needs to know lots of math and science but it’s very different than being a systems analyst or web developer since all the standards and systems created by others need to be followed instead of making up your own rules. However, if it sounds like something you could do then here’s some more information on how to get started with Software Development Training!
#10 Network Administrator What they do:
A network administrator takes care of modern businesses’ most important asset: their network. This includes everything from the cables and fiber optics that bring data into the building to the servers and computers that people use to get work done.
If something goes wrong (i.e.: a wire is cut or someone forgot their password) then you could be in charge of deciding what needs to happen next (i.e.: hire a contractor) and seeing it all the way through making sure everyone has access again once it’s fixed (if not sooner). It can also include taking care of software issues, updating passwords, and troubleshooting at 3 o’clock in the morning when other people are sleeping!
A lot of job listings that are looking for computer science graduates are looking for someone who is well-versed in hardware because it’s the foundation upon which everything else is built. Sometimes this means knowing how to manage a server farm or at least having some knowledge on adding new hardware to improve performance. If all this sounds like something you could do then here’s some more information on how to get started with Network Administration Training!
#11 Cyber Security Analysts What they do:
A cyber security analyst protects businesses from online threats that can cause serious damage to their web assets, intellectual property, and even financial stability if left unchecked. For example, they might help create software to monitor and track other software and hardware that is connected to the web by tracking what people do with it (i.e.: if they’re trying to hack into things).
It’s a job that requires both technical knowledge and an understanding of how people work which might seem difficult but if you’ve ever been proud of yourself for catching someone who was trying to hack you then this job might be perfect because
A lot of cyber security analysts have at least one degree in another subject before getting into this field which means having good communication skills is very important when explaining what you know about hacking back to non-technical managers.
You’ll also need a well-rounded understanding of how hardware and software work in order to make sure your system is secure from the ground up. And since you’ll be testing other people’s security it’s important to understand human nature, especially when it comes to greed or laziness. If all this sounds like something you could do then here’s some more information on how to get started with Cyber Security Training!
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This job doesn’t require much knowledge about one specific thing which means you don’t have to know everything before applying—instead, they’re looking for someone who can learn quickly and think outside the box since most of happens will be new (i.e.: no one has the same job title). If you like to stay on top of what’s going on in your field and can think about how something could be improved upon then this job might be right for you. More information: Network Administrator Training Cyber Security Analyst Training
#12 Customer Support Specialist What they do:
Customer support specialists help their company’s customers by answering questions and helping them troubleshoot. This means everything from managing support tickets (i.e.: documenting what happened when a customer calls in)
to do remote assistance over the phone, talking with customers who are upset, and even recommending products that other customers have found helpful. For example, if someone is having trouble installing a new program that was just purchased then the customer support specialist could help them set it up and probably recommend that they purchase a new computer to make sure it’s doing what it should.
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A lot of companies want their customer support specialists to be able to work under pressure, speak clearly and know how to use multiple communication tools (i.e.: phone, chat, email). Companies also look for someone who can explain complicated things in many different ways so even if something is never explained properly then there will still be a backup plan.
Top 20 Business Ideas for Computer Science Graduates
What does computer science mean?
How to become a computer scientist?
Computer Science jobs can be found all over the world!
Programming is one of the most important parts of computer science, but there are many other places where you can apply your skills to make a difference in the world.