8 Business Ideas For Middle Schoolers: If you’re an entrepreneurial middle schooler, starting your own business might seem like the perfect way to show off your skills and earn some money. This can be a fun, rewarding endeavor… but it can also be extremely stressful when done incorrectly.
8 Business Ideas For Middle Schoolers
To make sure your business idea turns into a success, follow these 8 tips from established entrepreneurs who built their businesses from the ground up at an early age.
1) Lemonade Stands
When you’re a kid, running a lemonade stand is one of those classic money-making ideas that seems so easy, but adults know better. It requires some serious planning to get that bright yellow sign out on the front lawn and set up shop in time to catch all those customers who trudge by after work and on their way home from school.
To keep your busy day behind bars from getting in your way, run your stand on Saturdays and Sundays while school is out or during lunch break if you go to school during middle school. Or skip right past all that prep work by using our secret business idea formula: let someone else do it! To find a local lemonade vendor near you, head over to The Lemonade Stand – they list hundreds of stands in 41 states plus Canada, including several where each cup will earn your kids 5% toward college tuition! Even better?
If there aren’t any listings nearby, consider starting your own with The Lemonade Stand’s $79 kit (vendor fees apply). It includes cups, stickers, posters, and more—everything you need to kickstart a cool new business for school or home.
2) Computer Tutoring
Computer tutoring is an interesting business idea that may be right up your kid’s alley. Your child can focus on things they like doing (computers), and get paid for it. They can offer individual lessons, or create groups to teach a variety of subjects, including math and science. They can also offer services such as home networking help and computer repair.
Regardless of which route you choose, make sure your child has written documentation from a certified teacher, parent, or counselor verifying their abilities before going door-to-door trying to sell their services. This will help with credibility when approaching potential clients. To avoid wasting time, have them work out in advance what the rate will be and have them charge at least $25 per hour for each student.
It’s much better to turn down opportunities than accept low rates. It’s always best to start off slow with one type of service and build up their reputation before moving onto other services. Middle schoolers are great candidates for these types of businesses because they enjoy working together in groups, earning money, being productive, and starting their own businesses! The hard part might just be coming up with ideas that are age-appropriate.
3) Selling Homemade Treats
One surefire way to make money as a kid is to sell homemade treats. Many kids make their own popsicles and cupcakes and then sell them at school events or local markets. It’s not hard to get started with just a bit of prep time, some basic supplies, and prices that are fair but don’t cut into your profit margin too much. Be sure to check local regulations on selling homemade food, though!
But whether you sell baked goods or make crafts that you can resell, consider these 8 business ideas for middle schoolers. A Guide to Earning Money During Summer Break: Of course, making money shouldn’t be something that happens exclusively during summer break; there are plenty of chances to earn cash year-round.
On top of having jobs during summer, or working while school’s in session in order to save up enough cash over breaks (or worst-case scenario—having a side gig while still in middle school), there are more than several ways you can earn extra pocket change without putting any additional effort on top of homework and extracurricular activities. And some even pay big bucks!
4) Gift Wrapping Service
Chances are that if you’re a middle schooler, your parents aren’t making you pay for your Christmas presents. However, providing a gift wrapping service for holiday parties or fundraisers is a fun way to make money and show off your creativity. You can start by asking friends and family members what they want to give their kids, then bundle up with a paper that matches their gift.
Charge $5 to $10 per present based on size, age, and value of the item being wrapped. For example, baby clothes could cost $1-$2, while a golf club would be more in line with an adult-sized price tag. You may end up going overboard with your costs at first as you figure out what works best for customers and how much time it takes to wrap each item properly—especially if you don’t have experience wrapping—but not being able to charge enough is better than charging too much (or having leftovers!).
Take note of how many people ask about gift wrapping; they might be setting themselves up for these services next year. Keep track of your number of hours spent creating these masterpieces too! When December rolls around, add it all together and invoice clients accordingly.
5) Pet Sitting
If you can walk a dog and clean up after it, you can make money walking other people’s dogs. Dog walking is an excellent side business idea for middle schoolers because it helps them to develop empathy and responsibility—plus, they get some exercise! Even if you’re too young to be trusted with dogs, ask if your parents would let you help out in exchange for earning a little extra cash.
It won’t take long before your clients are lining up at your door. For more ideas, check out these eight business ideas for middle schoolers from our friends at LearnVest. They also cover 12 top jobs for teens, so visit their site today. Have fun getting paid! __Kelsey Moore I specialize in writing articles about parenting teenagers. In my free time, I enjoy cooking and spending time with my children.
Connect with me on Google+ (kelseymoorewrites) or @kelsey_moore Facebook Twitter Google+__ Joanne Epps From stories about overcoming impossible odds to family bonds that will never be broken, every member of every family has a story worth telling.
6) Recycling Businesses
Recycling has become so trendy that schools now regularly hold competitions to see which students can collect and recycle more materials. Some schools create partnerships with local recycling centers, while others take advantage of their proximity to a recycling center by giving students rides to and from events.
And some student recyclers learn how to sell their goods online or even rent out a space within their school as a drop-off point for neighbors. While these are all great options, remember that these kinds of businesses have specific requirements.
You’ll need plenty of storage space (or a classroom with access to additional storage), permits for your business, transportation licenses if you plan on collecting materials from outside your school’s grounds, plus other forms and fees that vary depending on where you live.
7) Car Wash Businesses
If you live in a warm place and have a driveway, there’s always room to set up a car wash business. This idea is great because it can be done year-round and doesn’t require any special permits. Kids can build relationships with their customers by providing them with fast, efficient service that helps keep their cars clean without costing them too much money.
If you want to give your kids some ownership in their small business, consider letting them choose how they want to run it. Give them different locations around town and see which one does best. Allow kids to test out different prices on services as well. It will help them figure out what customers will pay and what gives them an edge over competitors. Remember: if you’re interested in starting a business with middle schoolers, don’t forget to ask yourself whether or not your work schedule fits into their hours!
You’ll need to be very flexible so that they can run things when school’s over or after dinner time. Make sure you keep in contact with local government officials who regulate small businesses—this is important if middle schoolers are going to handle checks or change at all!
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8) Yard Work Service
Offer to do yard work (mowing, weeding, raking) in exchange for a few dollars per job. Try offering a variety of services to your neighbors and community—it’s good practice when you finally open up your own landscaping business. Just make sure you have: liability insurance; safety equipment like gloves, eye protection, and ear protection; clearly defined prices that are competitive with what others are charging in your area; a detailed contract outlining everything from the start date to completion time frame to cancellation policy; and more.
If you don’t know how to start one, Google sample landscaping contract or look at other businesses in your area. Find an example that fits what you want to do and then tweak it so it suits your needs perfectly. You might even want to try out a free service like Contract Killer to help you create professional documents quickly and easily.
Informational & Consulting Services: Think about all those school projects you did where someone needed information on something specific…maybe they needed help on their science project or maybe their English paper was coming due soon. They asked their teacher if they could have someone help them with research. This is basically what informational consulting is—offering those same types of services except outside of school!
Plus, as part of your job, explain things to people as you go through your findings instead of just handing over something written down on paper! Make flyers at home advertising your skills and offer assistance anywhere people need it.
Also Read: Top 10 Business Ideas For Moms
Although it’s never too early to think about starting a business, some of these will only work if you have more time and freedom than most middle schoolers. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t consider them. Being able to identify potential opportunities is an important skill, even if you don’t have time or freedom to pursue them. As long as you can keep up with your schoolwork, talk with your parents about these ideas and see if any would be a good fit for you!