Which product is best to sell on Amazon? This guide will help you find the perfect product to sell online.
Which Product is Best to Sell On Amazon: People often ask me which products are best to sell on Amazon. While it’s not an easy question to answer, I’m going to tell you a few things you should think about when trying to find the best product to sell on Amazon.
Which Product is Best to Sell On Amazon?
These are the top tips that have helped me choose great products, and hopefully, they’ll help you too!
#1: Clothing
Clothing is a great product to sell on Amazon because of its high margins. If you have one t-shirt that costs $5 but sells for $15, you’re already looking at a 50% profit margin (not including shipping costs). With some sales knowledge and experience in drop shipping or reselling clothing, an entrepreneur can make thousands of dollars a month by selling these clothes alone.
A lot of people are hesitant about selling used clothing online because it isn’t as attractive and flashy as other products like electronics or makeup. However, with a little knowledge of where to source inventory from and how to sell it properly, you could be looking at a thousand dollar check every single month by only selling clothing items. Not bad right?
#2: Beauty/Health
These products tend to be used daily or at least weekly, and these include hair care, beauty products, face masks, and cosmetics. People want convenient ways to make them look their best. And they are willing to pay a premium for effective brands they know and trust. Look into L’Oreal (shampoo/conditioner), Clearasil (acne treatment), Neutrogena (moisturizer), Olay (body wash), Aveeno (dry skin treatment), and Mary Kay (makeup).
This category is very saturated so you’ll have some competition but if you have unique/quality product(s) then you’ll stand out among your competitors. #3: Electronics: Everyone needs electronics in one way or another. The biggest categories here are phone accessories, computer accessories, audio equipment (headphones, speakers), video games, and drones. For more popular items such as smartphones and tablets, there will be a lot of competition because everyone wants to sell cell phones.
And tablets online; however, there’s still room for new sellers that offer quality products at competitive prices. When it comes to less popular items like headphones or gaming consoles there’s more room for sellers since not many people sell those types of electronics online yet. I recommend looking into headphones from Audio-Technica since they’re high-quality products that most people don’t know about yet which means less competition for you!
#3: Kitchen and Household Supplies
While most of us buy these in larger quantities from our local store, you can get a pretty good rate by buying them in bulk online. An added bonus? If you’ve got lots of leftover parts and gadgets at home, it’s easy to unload them as well through sites like Craigslist or eBay. This can be especially profitable if you’re making a long drive anyway; if not, consider holding onto those items until next month’s follow-up session when we discuss other revenue streams. Don’t forget that an up-to-date inventory list is essential!
We’ll show you how to create one using a spreadsheet and an app. (See #5 below.) You might also want to read How Much Should I Charge for Packing & Shipping on Amazon FBA? which provides helpful information about packaging supplies pricing, too.
First off, let’s talk about inventory management: A big part of your business will revolve around keeping track of your products’ prices, availability, and profitability so that you can manage them effectively over time.
#4: Home Decor and Garden Tools
Although there’s a huge number of home decor products that can be sold on Amazon, here are some of our favorites: garden tools. People don’t just buy these tools, they collect them—and they spend big bucks doing so. Collectible garden tools are both practical and decorative, which explains why collectors will drop as much as $1,000 for one perfect weeder!
This niche has been growing in popularity since 2013 and has staying power if you keep your prices low. #3: Pet Supplies: We all love our pets (even if it’s hard to admit it), but it turns out we also love buying things for them. In fact, according to Nielsen data, pet owners spent more than $60 billion on their furry friends last year alone.
That’s up from less than $50 billion in 2014 and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. The good news is that dog food alone is a $17 billion industry, meaning there’s plenty of room for entrepreneurs looking to get in on the action.
#5: Automotive
Without a doubt, there’s money to be made with automotive items. But if you don’t know anything about cars, that doesn’t mean you can’t start an automotive-based business! You can make money off simple things like license plate frames, or more complex products like anti-theft devices. Also, check out other people’s handmade crafts: Think Christmas tree skirts and garlands, special holiday ornaments (how many ways are there to say Happy Birthday?), car window decorations, and dashboard covers.
Seriously – there are tons of things that you can easily pick up at garage sales and thrift stores for less than $10 – and then sell for a whole lot more on Amazon. #4: Grocery & Gourmet Food: I love food. I also love making money. So when I stumbled upon grocery and gourmet food as a product category on Amazon, it was one of those lightbulb moments where I thought Why didn’t I think of that before?
There is so much opportunity in grocery and gourmet food because 1) we all have to eat every day; 2) there are lots of products in these categories; 3) competition isn’t too fierce yet; 4) most people aren’t selling these products online yet; 5) demand for specialty foods is growing; 6) prices can be high enough to support significant profit margins.
#6: Baby Items
If you’re an expecting parent, a trip to Babies R Us can be like walking into a jungle (or maybe that’s just me). The good news is that there are plenty of baby products with virtually no competition. But there are also plenty of baby-product scammers who might try and sell you garbage for a hefty price. Don’t let them catch you in their trap; make sure any product you buy has positive reviews and is backed by legitimate testimonials from moms and dads.
Most importantly, always research your options before buying anything; keep reading until you know how everything works and how other moms feel about each product. And if you have any questions, ask! There are tons of forums out there where new parents talk about every little thing related to having kids. And don’t forget: You can always ask friends or family members for hand-me-downs—most parents would love to get rid of stuff they don’t need anymore anyway!
Video Games: Video games seem like a no-brainer when it comes to making money online because they require very little effort once set up correctly. However, video games do take time and skill to create, so if you’re going it alone expect long hours at first with mediocre results. Working as part of a team or joining one will help immensely in reducing these learning curves while giving you more chances at success over time.
#7: Crafts, Hobbies, and Toys
While no one is going to turn down a handheld fan or a pair of work gloves, it’s pretty tough to get excited about most products in these categories. However, if you can find a way to create an experience around these items that helps people imagine themselves using them around their house and with their families, then you could have something much more valuable. To get there, you’ll need some good photos of your products in use.
If that sounds like too much work for you (or if you don’t know how), check out PicMonkey. It’s easy enough for a novice Photoshop user like me—to get started as long as I could figure out how to resize images without losing quality. But even though PicMonkey isn’t exactly hard-core, it has all sorts of tools to help you make your product look better than any other similar item on Amazon. Here are just a few: If you want to do everything yourself: Create high-quality product photos from scratch.
You can also hire someone else to do it for you, but expect to pay at least $50 per hour. If the budget is tight: Use free image editing software like GIMP or Pixlr. Both programs offer powerful features such as layers and filters so that even if you’re not a pro designer, you should be able to make some nice pictures. Also check out Canva, which makes creating great-looking images incredibly simple—and they’re free!
#8. Books, CDs, DVDs, Games
These products are best when purchased and used. New, they’re typically overpriced and can become dated quickly. But you have an even better option: Look for free or used versions of these products at your local library or elsewhere online, where you won’t pay anything out of pocket. Then, turn around and sell those same items for much more (on Amazon or eBay). Just be sure to use Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) if you want your efforts to pay off financially.
With FBA, merchants ship their products into Amazon’s warehouses where all fulfillment orders are handled, packed, and shipped by Amazon staff members — leaving sellers free to concentrate on managing their inventory. #9. Video Games: Speaking of video games, there’s a second way to make money from them—and it doesn’t involve selling them directly. If you love video games and would like to try your hand at making some extra cash in that arena, consider becoming a beta tester.
Essentially someone who tries new games before they hit store shelves and provides feedback that developers use to tweak their game before launch. It takes time but could be worth it if you like playing new games before anyone else does—and are willing to write detailed reports about what works and what doesn’t. Here are a few sites that will connect you with video game companies looking for testers.
Also Read: How Much Does it Cost to Start an Amazon Business?
We can tell you what products will make you money, but that’s not enough information. You need to know how much money is at stake. To help you with that, we partnered with Jungle Scout, an online research tool that tracks real-time sales data for over a million different products on Amazon and gives us an up-to-date.
Detailed analysis of each product we review here at Income Diary. Jungle Scout tells us which items are trending in popularity, where they’re selling best, and if they have any existing copyright issues or if it’s even safe to sell them at all.