If you want to start a business, but don’t know what idea to pick, take a look at the list of unique business ideas.
What Unique Business Can I Start? One way to stand out from the crowd is by starting your own business that’s based on an aspect of yourself that no one else in the world can replicate or imitate.
What Unique Business Can I Start? (150 to 300$ Per Month)
As long as you have the skills and/or experience necessary to bring your idea to life, and can find a way to make money doing it, there’s nothing stopping you from making your dream business become reality. But where do you start?
1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Expert
You’re an SEO expert if you have years of experience using high-quality and reputable content to develop a website that has a chance of showing up on page one of Google. If your specialty is natural to search engine optimization (organic search), then you’ll be responsible for ensuring that whatever platform you join or create can attract enough visitors to maintain sustainable growth.
You know all about paid ads, press releases, and which social media sites to use and how; now you just need a brand name, domain name, website development company, etc. Maybe even office space in Miami to work from! Now let’s get started! Let’s Write Some Content: Since you already know what type of business plan to write, why not write it?
For most businesses these days, having a well-written business plan is important. Most banks won’t give you any money without seeing one and lots of investors will ask to see it before they agree to invest in your idea. Even though many entrepreneurs don’t end up looking at their plans once they’ve launched their business, writing a plan will help you clarify your thoughts and make sure there are no holes in your thinking.
2) Personal Branding Advisor
You don’t necessarily need to have a ton of skills or resources to start a new business. An increasingly popular option for people looking to create something that’s all their own is personal branding. The basic idea behind personal branding is simple: instead of being tied to one company and its goals, you become an expert in your niche and start offering services on your own.
Not sure where to begin? Here are some questions you can ask yourself: What do you love doing? What are your passions, strengths, values, personality traits, etc.? Who could benefit from what you can offer (not just with work but also in life)? Why would they want that thing? And how would you deliver it? A great way to get started is by creating a brand statement—the elevator pitch of your brand. It should be short and succinct.
But it should make clear who you are and why people should care about you. As an example, here’s mine: I’m Jessica Honegger, CEO of Creative Live – an online learning platform that inspires action through education. That one sentence lets anyone know who I am as well as why they might want to learn more about me and my company.
Check out more examples here. Once you’ve created your brand statement, start sharing it everywhere! On social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, include it in every email signature, mention it during interviews—you get the picture!
3) Book Cover Creator
Just because you’re creating your own book doesn’t mean it can’t look like a real book. The online service Lulu lets you create high-quality covers by submitting your design or even just taking a photo of an existing cover. What will surprise many first-time self-publishers is that you don’t need to know how to use design software such as Adobe Photoshop (though of course, it helps).
Another nice feature of Lulu is that if you already have print copies of your book, they let you upload them into their system so they look and feel like any other published work—no mimeographs here! Finally, if you want help with editing and formatting, check out Fiverr. You might be surprised at what people are willing to do for $5.
4) Market Research Analyst
Picking a niche for your business is one of the most crucial steps you can take. Too narrow and there might not be enough customers to support your business; too broad and you’ll miss out on opportunities. So how do you pick a niche when there are so many options available to you?
Conducting market research into what other businesses are doing will help you determine what gaps exist in certain markets, helping determine if there’s a place for your business to serve those customers. For example, let’s say you want to start a yoga studio but have no experience in that industry. You could conduct some market research by looking at local studios and seeing what they offer (classes offered, pricing structure) as well as determining their target audience (age range, gender).
If it looks like there isn’t much competition or demand for yoga classes in your area, maybe consider another option. But if it looks like you have an opportunity to fill a gap with something unique—such as classes geared toward senior citizens—you might have found your niche!
5) Social Media Management Company
With social media marketing being a must-have service for businesses, many businesses are turning to hire companies to help manage their accounts. With platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram having millions of users on daily basis, it can be difficult for companies to keep up with all of them; that’s where social media management services come in.
A small business can hire a company to run their entire social media presence while they focus on other areas that they know better or just don’t have time for at all. For example, if you want to start a small business with minimal overhead cost but still want access to thousands of potential customers daily, try thinking about what service you could provide using those platforms. You might decide to start a social media management company!
6) Fashion Reviewer
While there are existing resources that focus on fashion, many of them aren’t in-depth enough to help you learn how to dress like a professional. Thus, many individuals who work in professional settings don’t know how to properly execute an outfit (i.e., they just throw on clothes). This is a big mistake since your clothing reflects upon you, and if you’re going to be interviewing with prospective employers it’s important that your appearance has been thought through and meets their standards.
A fashion-reviewing site could help men and women develop a better sense of style by teaching them what looks good at work vs. away from work, where best to shop for their attire, etc. If you were to start such a business, it would probably require access to retailers so that your reviews can be based on firsthand experience.
As such, networking would likely play a key role in building your business; even something as simple as getting press passes for events or shows could make a difference when trying to build relationships with retail employees and owners. Finally, remember that most people might not need daily tips on fashion (especially if they have access to other resources).
There are others who do need guidance when trying to improve their image at work or beyond. For example, while some companies may encourage creativity among their workers (like tech startups), others may discourage individualism—and thus having someone who can guide you along these lines will prove valuable.
7) Meal Delivery Service
Owning a restaurant or food truck is hard. Meal delivery services are becoming increasingly popular as entrepreneurs try to eliminate some of those headaches. The basic idea behind a meal delivery service is simple: for a set amount each week, you get meals that you pick out delivered to your home (or office), ready-to-eat.
Most services allow you to choose from an array of options, like entrées and side dishes, which makes it easy to cater to picky eaters or individuals with certain dietary restrictions. And most allow for customization so you can create a package that works best for your household’s needs. One such example is Blue Apron, which delivers all of its ingredients in premeasured portions along with step-by-step instructions on how to prepare them.
With Blue Apron’s subscription model—which costs $59 per person per week—you can sign up once and then decide if you want to keep receiving weekly deliveries after your first box arrives. If not, no problem; just cancel before next week’s shipment comes in. No contracts mean no long-term commitments required! Other services include HelloFresh, Plated, and Purple Carrot Kitchen—and they’re worth checking out if you want to start a business that could become big one day!
8) Computer Tutor
If you have a knack for computers and know how to use them, then starting a computer tutoring business is an excellent way to make some extra money. If you’re more technical, consider starting a software business. If you’re less technical, it might be wise to invest in building your expertise before trying to start a tutoring or software business. Take some time getting educated about different platforms and working with other people who need help with technology so that you can build trust with your customers.
You could also become a remote tech support agent on sites like Geek Squad and SimplyFixIt where clients can pay on an hourly basis for help resolving computer issues. As a side note, if you do decide to go down either of these routes, remember that teaching others what you know is one of the best ways to learn yourself. So don’t hesitate to ask questions along the way!
Also Read: Which Business is Best For Home? (200$ Per Month)
This is a big decision to make, so use your time wisely. Do your research and don’t let an impulse buy ruin your business—or worse, cost you money.
Many entrepreneurs start out strong but then have to close their doors because they’re trying to do too much too soon. Taking a step back and reflecting on what you want your company to be can help save time and headaches later on down the road.
If you are trying to decide between multiple ideas, try focusing more heavily on one idea and developing that more fully; if it still makes sense after doing so, then go ahead with it! Remember: This is YOUR business.